Vitamin C is one of the most talked-about vitamins and nutrients these days. The situation created by the COVID-19 pandemic and general health problems that have arisen because of the modern lifestyles has forced people to rethink their way of living.
When we search for natural foods and ways to boost our immunity, the first thing that we will find is nothing other than vitamin C.
The human body cannot produce vitamin C on its own, and we have to consume it through any of the hundreds of sources. Although, there are hundreds of benefits of Vitamin C, and it can do wonders for your body, particularly immunity.
This blog is your ultimate guide on Vitamin C, and we will be covering all the information and the best sources of Vitamin C. By the time you end up reading the article, you will be equipped with the knowledge to change your diet and help boost the immunity naturally of your body.
Vital Information on Vitamin C
The first thing to know is the daily recommended quantity of Vitamin C that you should consume. There are many studies which talk about the different amounts, but all fall in a specific range.
As per most of the studies, we can conclude that 500 milligrams of Vitamin C daily is the right amount. If you try to consume that amount through natural sources, that would mean consuming 7-9 servings of fruits in a day. Eating fruits that frequently is almost an impossible task in the modern busy and fast lifestyles.
A lot of doctors advise taking Vitamin C supplements in this case to fulfil the requirements. We will also talk about the right supplements which can help you meet your Vitamin C requirements but let’s first understand the benefits and some fantastic natural sources of Vitamin C.
What is the use of vitamin C?
There are hundreds of health benefits of Vitamin C, which help your body in various ways. Let’s understand some of the major ones –
1. Vitamin C is one of the most potent antioxidants which works in building the immunity of your body. It is known for helping prevent some chronic diseases and prevent most of the health issues that one might face.
2. Vitamin C directly helps in managing high blood pressure and regulates the pressure levels
3. Heart diseases are among the primary cause of death all over the world, and Vitamin C will help you to prevent most of the heart-related issues
4. Vitamin C may help you reduce uric acid levels. It is also known for helping prevent gout, which is a form of arthritis that is extremely common and painful.
5. Citrus fruits having vitamin C in them can ultimately help in maintaining Normal Blood Sugar.
The primary reason for the development of gouts in humans is because of the increase in uric acid levels. Many other diseases are also linked to increased uric acid levels in the body.
Vitamin C regulates uric acid and prevents most of these diseases from happening.
5. Regular consumption of Vitamin C will help improve the iron secretion from food. This property helps prevent iron deficiency in the body
6. Vitamin C protects and promotes memory while helping you prevent memory loss or memory related to other illnesses. Conditions like impaired thinking and the ability to remember things reduce with age and the right quantity of Vitamin C in the blood will make sure to help you prevent these problems.
7. There are many things which are not backed by extensive studies and researches but have been witnessed for centuries. One of the most significant claims among this is that Vitamin C helps prevent the common cold.
8. Another set of studies claim that Vitamin C helps reduce the risk of cancer.
9. Vitamin C also helps prevent eye problems and some eye-related diseases.
Foods containing vitamin C
As you can see that there are many health benefits, and Vitamin C can help you prevent most of the health-related problems. In this section, we are going to discuss the significant sources of Vitamin C.
1. Oranges

Oranges are one of the best sources of Vitamin C and also the most famous ones.
One medium-sized orange contains 70 milligrams of Vitamin C, which in many studies is considered more than half of the daily value required by humans.
It is imperative to note that for best practices, you must try to consume orange as a fruit and not orange juice for maximum benefits.
2. Mango

Mangoes are another incredible source of Vitamin C and beta- carotene, which is considered best for your body’s immune system.
Green mangoes contain more Vitamin C; thus, you must prefer the green ones over all other variants.
3. Lemon

Lemons other than being a good source of Vitamin C are also considered an excellent antioxidant for the body.
One raw lemon has about 83 milligrams of Vitamin C and also helps to prevent diseases like scurvy.
4. Kakadu plums

If you are looking for a superfood with Vitamin C, it is Kakadu plums. This is not a common fruit, and its origins date back to Australia.
The best and the most exciting part of it is that it contains 100 times more Vitamin C than an orange which is considered one of the best sources.
Consuming just one Kakadu plum in a day can fulfil all your Vitamin C requirements.
5. Chilli peppers

Chillies are known for many health benefits, including helping in burning fat and reduction in pain and inflammation.
One green chilli contains 109 milligrams of Vitamin C, which is a considerable portion for your daily needs.
6. Kiwis

If you are looking for a tasty fruit while getting your source of Vitamin C, Kiwis are the answer.
One medium-sized Kiwi contains 71 milligrams of Vitamin C which will also help in reducing cholesterol levels in the body.
A lot of studies have been done on the regular consumption of Kiwi, which points out to the hundreds of health benefits.
It would be best if you also consider adding Kiwis to your daily diet.
7. Broccoli

Yes! Broccoli also contains Vitamin C among a combination of the best vitamins and minerals for the human body.
Many doctors and dieticians must have recommended you broccoli because of its health benefits.
One-half cup of cooked broccoli will provide you 51 milligrams of Vitamin C.
8. Lychees

Lychees are another excellent source of Vitamin C as well as Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.
Regular consumption of lychees is beneficial for different parts of your body, and the best part is that they are tasty as well.
9. Papayas

Papayas are known for numerous health benefits, and one of these is that they are a good source of Vitamin C!
Studies have also been conducted on Alzheimer’s patients, and regular consumption of Papaya helped in reducing inflammation.
The immune system of your body is the most crucial system in the human body. A robust immune system will prevent most of the diseases to remain away from your body. At the same time, a weak immune system will put you at risk of catching small illnesses which might snowball into big problems.
Taking care and boosting your immunity should be your priority. Consuming one of the fruits in the list will not help you to gain in all the benefits, but you have to make a divided approach and consume a combination of many of those!
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